MUSAGO is the smart safety solution for accident-free  

on construction or industrial sites.

Brand Identity

The core value of MUSAGO is the safety of workers.

We have named the MUSAGO brand with the goal of making

it a top priority for all workers to return home safely and

safely every day without any accidents. 

Safety Status in Industrial Sites

75% of industrial accident deaths occur in construction and manufacturing sites.

Most of the deaths occur at workplaces with fewer than 49 employees.

2020년 사업장 규모별 사망자 현황│출처 : 고용노동부

2020년 업종별 사망자 현황│출처 : 고용노동부

The reason why accidents happen constantly

The construction industry, which is mostly a dangerous site

Neglected safety

management due to

multi-level subcontracting

A decline in safety awareness among field workers

Safety manager's

control limits

Small businesses with insufficient safety and health management capabilities